Division for Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases

Division for Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases , within the Department for Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases

Information about the activity performed in Division for Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases

The emergence of new and old microorganisms and their increased resistance to antimicrobial agents are phenomena that indicate that infectious diseases continue to pose a threat to the population’s health and a major public health and social problem. The health sector must implement evidence-based programs aimed at reducing risk behavior, timely recognition, registration and treatment of infected persons, as well as timely taking effective measures to prevent the emergence and spread of infectious diseases and their control, and promote of health and well-being.

A stable and modern system for monitoring and responding to infectious diseases is necessary for timely detection as a prerequisite for a rapid response to threats from infectious diseases.

In the context of Macedonia's commitment to integration into the European Union, it is necessary to continue with activities aimed at improving and harmonizing the system for monitoring and responding to infectious diseases and providing comparable data with the European Center for Control and Prevention of Infectious Diseases (ECDC) and WHO.


  1. weekly reports,
  2. monthly newsletters,
  3. current information and reports,
  4. periodic information,
  5. annual reports, information and annual analyzes on the movement of infectious diseases in the Republic of North Macedonia, on the situation with brucellosis and HIV/AIDS, the ALERT system and hospital-acquired infections (IHI)


Measures and activities under the competence of the Division for Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases

  1. Monitoring and control over infectious diseases in North Macedonia by collecting, analyzing and processing individual reports on infectious diseases, reports on microbiologically proven causes of infectious diseases, group (seven-day) reports on influenza as well as numerous pieces of information, notices and other facts/data on the development of infectious diseases, which it receives from the regional Centers for Public Health and their regional units as well as other health institutions;
  2. Proposing, undertaking and controlling the implementation of measures for the prevention and suppression/elimination of infectious diseases;
  3. Participation in field epidemiological research in the Republic and providing expert methodological assistance;
  4. Preparation of weekly, monthly and annual reports on infectious diseases movement in the Republic of North Macedonia, with epidemiological commentary;
  5. Monitoring the situation with zoonosis in the Republic and performing coordinated activities to bring them under control in cooperation with the Food and Veterinary Agency, especially brucellosis as a zoonosis that is a subject to special program-regulated measures and activities for prevention;
  6. Preparation of draft annual programs (for public health, brucellosis and immunization) and (their) submission to the Ministry of Health;
  7. Preparation of annual reports on the realization of the mentioned preventive programs, annual report on the movement of infectious diseases in the Republic as well as annual reports on the accomplished work/activities of the Department


  8. Epidemiological monitoring and analysis of the flu situation in and out of season;
  9. Integrated epidemiological surveillance/monitoring and analyzing the situation with influenza and COVID-19 during the pandemic.

Contact information

Contact person: Head of division – Ass. Dragan Kochinski, MD

Contact phone:      +389 2 3125 044 ext. 5

Email:  ijz.epidemiologija@gmail.com

Working hours: Every working day: from 07:30 to 15:30