Division for Radiation Protection


Information about the activity performed in Division for Radiation Protection

The Division has professional competence, based on law, in the field of protection against ionizing radiation for monitoring in the environment, monitoring and assessment of exposure of occupationally exposed persons and population.

In addition, it has the competence to provide training and counseling, in the field of protection against ionizing radiation, to institutions and persons whose activity is the use of ionizing radiation, in addition, if necessary, to individuals or groups of the population.

The Division also manages a calibration unit for calibration of instruments, radiometers, used in the field of protection against ionizing radiation, including training and counseling for users (for correct use of instruments).

At the moment, a total of 12 people are employed in the department, with high and medium professional qualifications, including specialists and masters of science in the areas of the Division ‘s activity.

The high professional competence of the Division is confirmed through its full membership in:

  1. The World Network of Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratories (SSDL) of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the World Health Organization (WHO),
  2. The European Group of Dosimetric Laboratories - EURADOS,
  3. European network for continuous monitoring of ionizing radiation in the external environment – EURDEP and
  4. The Network of Radiometric Laboratories of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) – ALMERA.

The division cooperates with several international institutions and organizations through active participation in their activities, namely:

  1. Implementation, coordination or participation of our experts in the projects of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, IAEA, Vienna,
  2. Cooperation with the Research Center of the European Commission, JRC Center, Ispra, Italy.


Contact information

Contact person: Jordanka Anusheva, Eng ,spec. in sanitary chemistry
Contact phone: +389 2 312 50 44, ext. 12

Velko Velev, Eng , spec. in Medical Nuclear Physics

Contact phone: +389 2 312 50 44, ext. 11

Emaildozimetrija@gmail.com / doza@iph.mk / jordankaanuseva@yahoo.com